Kendall County Industrial Properties 2Q2018

Kendall County Industrial Properties 2Q2018

boehm  /   September 4, 2018

Kendall County Industrial Properties 2Q2018

It may appear that Kendall County industrial properties are abundant – too much even.  However, this could not be further from the truth.  There is one large industrial building in Comfort, Texas that skews the report.  Unfortunately, we could use 75% of that space in Boerne, Texas right now.  It would be easy to say Kendall County industrial is “feast” or “famine” right now.  In Comfort, there is entirely too much space.  However, Boerne industrial space is at the “famine” stage!

The market has recently absorbed quite a lot of industrial space, considering the size of the market.  One of the largest recent industrial deals was a 5,000 SF space in one of our industrial areas.  Also, our team receives numerous calls from clients wanting to purchase industrial properties in Kendall County.

Luckily, there is some relief on the horizon.  For example, The Boehm Team is personally involved in two industrial projects getting close to breaking ground. Similarly, there are a few other projects coming to the market soon.

Give Glen Boehm a call to discuss 110 Old San Antonio Road, 50 Rust Lane or 1 Chaparral Hill, or any other Kendall County industrial properties.

View the One Page Summary for Kendall County Industrial Properties Here.

View the Full Report for Kendall County Industrial Properties Here.

Kendall County Industrial Properties 2Q2018

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