Endeavors Gives Back to Veterans
boehm / November 11, 2019
On November 8th, 2019 Endeavors along with the Cohen Veterans Network broke ground on a new Veteran Wellness Center. The center, opening late 2020, will be the first of its kind in Texas. It will also be a new location for the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic.
The Wellness Center focus will be on providing comprehensive integrated health services. These health services will support daily wellness choices of any era veteran as well as their family. The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic provides care for post 9/11 veterans and their families.
Texas has the second largest population of Veterans of any state in the U.S. It is estimated that by 2020, Texas will pass the state of California’s Veteran population. “As a 28 year Veteran myself, one of the many things that attracted me to Endeavors was the incredible support and services we provide Veterans and their families in need. The Wellness Center represents a first in Texas to provide integrated wellness services to those who have sacrificed so much already and I am privileged and honored to be a part of it,” said Chip Fulghum, Endeavors Chief Operating Officer.
The target population for the Wellness Center is any era Veteran and their families. Services will include long-term therapy, medication management, primary care, dental services, physical and occupational therapy, nutritional services, massage, acupuncture, yoga & tai chi and more.
To learn more about the new Veteran Wellness Center coming soon to Antonio, click here.
The Boehm Team | (830) 428-8106 | [email protected]
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