New Boerne City Hall Groundbreaking

New Boerne City Hall Groundbreaking

boehm  /   May 9, 2018

The groundbreaking for the new Boerne City Hall will take place at the Boerne City Campus May 10th at 10:00a.m.. Boerne City Hall will house over 10 departments. It also will serve as the City of Boerne Utilities headquarters and Boerne City Council Chambers.

New Boerne City Hall Groundbreaking

Background. |  City Council approved the negotiation of an architectural and engineering services contract for the design of the new City Hall at the September 13, 2016 regularly scheduled City Council meeting.

The City is using the Construction Manager at Risk (CMR) process for the new City Hall project.  The City Council also approved an agreement with Lee Lewis Construction at the February 14, 2017 meeting.

Learn more about the CMR process here

City Council approved the issuance of Tax Notes to finance the new City Hall project.  With assistance from the city’s Bond Counsel, bids were accepted. In addition, Frost Bank pledged to provide the city with $22 million at a very favorable interest rate of 1.79%.

New Boerne City Hall Groundbreaking

New Boerne City Hall Groundbreaking

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