Boerne Area Retail Report 2018
boehm / June 28, 2018
Boerne Area Retail Report 2018
For additional Information about Texas Hill Country Commercial Real Estate, please contact our local Commercial Real Estate Expert – Glen Boehm
What is the Trade Area for Boerne Texas? What is the Commercial Real Estate outlook for Kendall County Texas? Are there any Gaps in the Retail Market in the Boerne area? If these thoughts have ever crossed your mind, or you’re just curious about Commercial Real Estate in Boerne Texas, the information here will be interesting. Although not perfect, the data is very revealing in that there is OPPORTUNITY in Kendall County Texas.
Huge Thank You to the Boerne Kendall County Economic Development Corporation for being proactive and sharing such great information with it’s membership.
Boerne Texas Retail Trade Area – 2018
There are a few things that really stand out regarding Boerne’s Retail Trade Area…
1-The overall footprint of Boerne’ trade area is much larger than most people would imagine
2-If you live and work in Boerne, Texas, you know that the traffic counts are at least 2 years behind in accuracy
3-Boerne Texas, and Kendall County in general, is a very educated and wealthy community
Boerne Texas Retail Gap Analysis – 2018
What does this Retail Gap / Opportunity Analysis indicate?
1-$409 Million is being spent in retail somewhere else
2-Ever wonder why Kendall County has so many auto dealers, the largest gap is in the Automotive industry.
3-Ever need to buy some clothes for the kids, grab a bite to eat and maybe some entertainment? Then you know why the report reveals a large gap in the General Merchandise category.
Boerne Texas Retail Trade Area Gap Analysis – 2018
A few notables from the overall Trade Area Gap / Opportunity Analysis…
1-Overall trade area gap / opportunity is $1.6 Billion – Yes! With a “B”
2-There is a shortage of $198 Million in Food and Beverage Stores
3-And, another $220 Million opportunity in Food Service and Drinking Places (differing from #2)
Boerne Area Retail Report 2018
The Boehm Team | (830) 428-8106 | [email protected]
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