Boerne Special Olympians Head to State Meet
boehm / October 13, 2023
We were thrilled to see Boerne Blaze, Boerne’s Special Olympics team, in the October 8th issue of the Boerne Star. This article showcases the amazing journey of the Boerne Blaze and their exceptional Special Olympian swimmers, including my daughter, Alexa Boehm, who are gearing up for the state meet next weekend.
The article states “Boerne Blaze swim team members competed in the Sept. 16 SOTX Area 20 swim meet in San Antonio and garnered 42 medals in the competition with five other teams. Nine Blaze swimmers – Alexa Boehm, Adam Cashion, Kylah Daniel, Elijah Draughn, Christopher Drollinger, Carley Fisk, Rebecca Stone, Jeff Walker and Ansley Wigger — advanced to the SOTX Fall Classic state swim meet Oct. 20-21 on the Texas A&M Campus in College Station.”
We can’t wait to cheer on Alexa and all the Boerne State Swimmers in College Station next weekend!
If you wish to learn more about the Boerne Blaze visit their website – https://www.boerneblaze.org/
Read the full Boerne Star article here.
Boerne Special Olympians Head to State Meet
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